User-driven approach

User-driven approach

The Sen4Stat project prioritizes user-driven development through the guidance of a "Champion User Group" composed of a Steering Group and the involvement of five pilot NSOs from the project's inception.

These pilot NSOs are:

  • Ecuador: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses; Directorate of Agricultural and Environmental Statistics.
  • Senegal: National Agency for Statistics and Demography, with the support of the Directorate for the Analysis, Previson and Agricultural Statistics (Direction de l'Analyse, de la Prévision et des Statistiques Agricoles - DAPSA).
  • Spain: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - Department of Analysis and Agricultural Statistics.
  • Malawi: Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development - Department of Agricultural Planning Services.

Interactions with these pilot NSOs will begin at the outset of the project, identifying their expectations regarding EO data and concrete use cases that can demonstrate the added value of integrating EO data into their workflows. This use case approach ensures a user-centered perspective and describes the intended use and results before considering technical aspects.

Using these use cases, the project will develop prototype products in benchmarking areas that will be evaluated with the pilot NSOs. The developed algorithms and workflows will form the Sen4Stat toolbox.

During the project's second phase, the Sen4Stat toolbox will be used to scale-up and implement use cases at the national level, which will be demonstrated over two successive years. With our pilot NSOs, we will invest in evaluating the fitness of EO products for use and in dedicated capacity-building and training activities.

The entire project will follow "co-design principles", engaging users in four areas:

  • Identifying use cases that correspond to priorities.
  • Jointly defining and implementing data exchange protocols in terms of documents and IT infrastructure solutions.
  • Co-designing the capacity-building plan for each NSO according to the selected use cases.
  • Collaboratively and iteratively exploiting the results of agriculture statistics through the data analytics module.

This co-design approach reflects a significant shift in the traditional user-producer relationship. Pilot NSOs, as experts in their own experience within their operational context, are at the center of the design and implementation processes of the use cases.

User-driven approach